Goals of LHRy to be revised

Liberty Historic Railway was formed in January 2010. Our efforts up to 2013 were specifically aimed at providing historic trolley shuttle service in Liberty State Park to enhance park-user mobility, improve visitor access, and reduce motor vehicle traffic and parking demand, as well as to provide displays of heritage rail equipment under a restored Jersey Central Jersey City Terminal Train Shed. Late in 2013 the directors of LHRy found that a moratorium on continued efforts to these ends was warranted. This is due to continued adamant and fanatical opposition to a trolley shuttle by Friends of Liberty State Park, in spite of an expert independent study which validated the trolley shuttle concept. What a shame that ignorant parochial interests prevailed that will not fulfill a more visionary role and need for Liberty State Park. LHRy feels that their organizational priorities and goals need to be revised, updated, and broadened. Director Ted Brewer is leading this effort.